The Benefits of Rebounding
Improves overall mental and emotional well-being

Improves cardiovascular Health
Improves bone density
Improves balance and coordination
Enhances flexibility and reduces stress on joints
Boosts immunity and supports lymphatic system
SALTOFIT FOR DETOX. Saltofit's unique combination of rebounding and HIIT offers a variety of detox benefits: *Improves lymphatic flow: The constant movement of jumping on a trampoline helps to activate the lymphatic system, which aids in removing toxins and waste from the body. *Increases sweating: The intense nature of HIIT causes you to sweat, which can help to release toxins through the skin. *Boosts metabolism: Saltofit's high-intensity nature can increase your resting metabolic rate, which can help burn calories and aid in weight loss. *Enhances digestion: The bouncing motion on the trampoline promotes healthy digestion and bowel movements. *Stimulates the release of endorphins: The endorphins released during and after the workout can improve overall mood and reduce stress.
WHY HIIT IS KING High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) offers an efficient and effective way to improve fitness: *Can be done in just 30 minutes *Alternates between high-intensity bursts of activity and brief periods of recovery *Burns more calories in less time *Creates an "afterburn effect" where the body continues to burn calories even after the workout is finished *Proven to improve cardiovascular fitness, insulin sensitivity and aid weight loss *Increases resting metabolic rate (RMR) means burning calories even when not working out​